A millennial is someone born between the early 1980s and early 2000s and they are influencing business in a big way. This rising generation has officially replaced Baby Boomers as largest demographic in the U.S. workforce and we’re here to urge you to start paying attention to the generation that can make or break brands!
Back in the day, if you didn’t like a product you had to call an 800 number and jump through hoops to get your voice heard. Now, you can create videos, start petitions and post about it on Facebook in seconds. Millennials were raised on these outlets and are pros at getting their voice heard. Make sure you give them something good to say!
Not only are they the most relevant and powerful population, but also the most influential. Older generations want to follow their lead to feel younger and younger generations look up to them. Trust us, you want them on your side! If they love your brand, you’ve got yourself an incredibly valuable customer. And if they don’t? Their 1,000 Facebook friends are likely to hear about it shortly.
The good news is that Millennials are extremely loyal to brands. They’re known to be money conscious and make every purchase wisely, whether it’s $20 spent at the supermarket or $800 on a cell phone. Therefore, once they decide to spend money on your brand, chances are they are going to continue to do so and also tell their friends to do the same.

The question is how to get them to spend on your brand? Businesses should be aware of the importance of making digital media their first line of attack when targeting this generation. You have to meet them where they are! And thanks to shrinking attention spans and DVR, they aren’t at TV commercials or radio ads. They’re on their phones, computers, and various social media platforms. Furthermore, the marketing message for Millennials is more important than ever. Everything needs to be relevant, interesting and, most importantly, shareable.
Because of Millennials, companies are changing the way they produce content, reach potential buyers and market their business. Have you adapted to their trends?