The average salary for an experienced Web Developer in NYC: $80, 000
The average salary for an experienced Social Media Manager in NYC: $78, 000
The average salary for an experienced Digital Marketing Manager: $67, 000
The average salary for an experienced Graphic Designer in NYC: $65, 000
The average salary for an experienced Email Marketing Manager in NYC: $60,000
The average salary of an experienced Copywriter in NYC: $60,000
Total: $410, 000
Save your money.
Adapting Social started with one vision: to help driven entrepreneurs showcase their business through strategic marketing tactics, stunning design, passion, and creativity. With firms located in NJ & NYC and clients across the country, we partner with our startups to ensure their branding success by giving them the unique opportunity to experience having their own design and marketing department without having to pay the high costs of staffing internally.
Here’s the part where you say: “But I can just outsource all of that!”
I’m so glad you brought that up! I suppose you could outsource each individual project to different agencies and freelancers around the world, but do you really want something as important as your business handled by someone you’ve never met? Even worse, did you know that when you outsource, many agencies will outsource your work to a third party, creating an even greater disconnect from your startup and the work that will determine the success of your company? Knowing who is working on your project is extremely important in growing your brand.
Not to mention, outsourcing is still going to cost you a ton of money, and agencies often intentionally extend projects and price tags without any legitimate reason.
Most importantly, ideas change! Your idea today might not be what you decide to use tomorrow. What happens when you have that ‘oh shit’ moment, and you need drastic changes made on a project? All startups are a constant work in progress, and you need a team that can keep up with the changes, react fast and get it done right.
Getting it done right doesn’t just mean getting it done according to your direction. Sometimes you’re not sure what you want or even what you need!
When you work with us, you’re getting a team of experts in each field, from a Graphic Designer who has been featured on magazine covers to a Copywriter who has written for the New York Times. Not only do we bring your vision to reality in a quick and efficient manner, but we can also advise you on the current trends in marketing, design, social media and in your own personal industry and how to utilize them to maximize your business!
When you outsource your content, your task is just another task on a list and people will feel that lack of passion. In order to effectively tell our clients’ stories, we treat our clients like family and fully immerse ourselves into everything we collaborate on with them, making it all the more rewarding when we achieve their growth through stunning website design, digital marketing, social media management, graphic design, email marketing, video production, and more.
From building your logo and developing your app from scratch to marketing the impressive, cutting edge finished product online across the globe, we are the one stop shop for ALL of your marketing needs. Did we mention we do photography and videography, too?
If you’re trying to build something great, you need a great team behind you. Taking shortcuts will hurt your company. According to FORBES, 9 out of 10 Startups FAIL. If you work with Adapting Social, you’re NOT going to be one of them!
Let’s take your startup to the next level.