How to Gain More Followers on Instagram

To kick this one off on an honest note, when we first found out about Instagram’s Nametag feature we weren’t exactly blown away. We figured that it was just another one of Instagram’s cool features that can be used occasionally, if ever. Then we thought about it just a little bit more.

We quickly realized that this tool could actually come in extremely handy for business owners looking to completely elevate their presence on social media by simply connecting with those that they interact with.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how this tool can benefit your business on social media, it is important for you to know exactly what the nametag tool is!

An Instagram nametag is simply a QR code, an image that others can scan from the Instagram application and instantly follow that business or profile. To set up your business’ nametag, make your way to your profile, and select the menu icon in the upper right-hand portion of the page. After you complete these steps, push “nametag” and you will have the opportunity to visualize how your nametag looks. In order to help your business stand out, you will have the chance to customize your nametag by tapping through some of the design options. You will be able to add emoji backgrounds, a multicolored background, and even a selfie. Don’t be afraid to create a unique nametag that makes you happy and will help you stand out. Your new followers will deeply appreciate a nametag that flawlessly reflects you and your business, we promise.

Now that we went over how you can formulate your nametag, we must go over how to scan someone else’s nametag. Similarly to the process that we went over earlier, make your way to your profile, select the menu icon in the upper right-hand portion of the page, select “nametag,” and you will be able to click “scan nametag.” Understandably, this process can sound tricky, especially if you are new to Instagram, but with time it will become a breeze. Don’t hesitate to set some time aside to learn this process because it will pay off. Keep in mind, the more eyes you have on your business, the better!

Alright, folks, it is now time to get to the good stuff – what you came here for – gaining more followers. The basics have been covered so let’s change gears. After researching and discussing ideas, our Adapting Social team discovered some ways that Instagram’s nametag feature can be utilized to benefit your social media presence.

Meet new followers at corporate events

What better location to meet like-minded individuals than a corporate event or conference? These are the people that truly understand you, your vision, and what challenges you may be facing. In addition to industry connections, potential customers could be in attendance or even friends who could be an asset to you in the future. A great face-to-face interaction is fantastic, but with Instagram’s nametag feature, you can add more value to the conversation. Create signage at the event with your Instagram nametag on it so that those you speak with can scan it. Whether that signage is in the form of flyers, agendas, or other takeaway materials, spread the good word and watch your following ratio move in your favor.

Networking parties

When you are out on the town looking to elevate your business connections, why not add to your social media connections as well? From events to parties to other situations that you may find yourself in, whip out your trusty phone and encourage those you speak with to scan your nametag. Since many networking events are loud due to tons of talking, conversations are typically short and lack quality at times. Instead of wondering if you accurately caught someone’s name, sway them to scan your name tag. If you follow this procedure, there is potential for you to continue this conversation on the Instagram platform.

Utilize emails

Think about it, if you are anything like our team at Adapting Social, you send a lot of emails every day. Email signatures are a great location for you to highlight important information, so why not throw in your Instagram nametag? To really make an impact on social media, it wouldn’t hurt to send out an email to your list where you encourage them to follow you on social media and include your nametag.

Print out your nametag

If you are creating flyers, ads, or other similar products to boost your business, adding to your nametag can make a huge difference in adding followers. Since social media is the voice of your company, the more people who experience your business, the better, always.

Get Physical

If your business is one with a physical location then most likely you always have customers coming and going all day long. A simple reminder for your visitors to let the good times roll is to have signs in your store with your Instagram nametag on it so that they follow you online if they don’t already.

Did somebody say bonus hack? Heck yes, we did! Incentivize people to follow you. Run a contest utilizing this feature or offer a special discount, don’t be afraid to innovate.

Whether your business is just getting off of the ground on Instagram or if you are a veteran in the game, adding your nametag cannot hurt you. Every single customer that you can gain matters and can make a big difference in the future because they can bring even more people to your business.

Your success as an entrepreneur will never cease to inspire our team at AS and we genuinely appreciate every opportunity we have to assist you! Now for the exciting part, give this feature a try and watch your following number skyrocket!

Adapting Social

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