Category: Social Media

Social Media

The Importance of Social Media

5-7 years ago only major corporations had the technology to reach and communicate with their target audiences. In today’s world, Social Media platforms like Facebook

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Social Media

12 Tips to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

Do you often wonder how you can increase your social media engagement? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Today, more than 500 million Instagram accounts are active daily, so how can you make your brand stand out? Thankfully, Adapting Social is here to save the day and provide a roadmap to social media success using our 12 insider tips to increase your social media engagement!

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Social Media

Twitter’s Attempt to Make a COMEBACK

Finally, Twitter felt the heat from their intense competition of Tik Tok and Instagram, and decided to do something about it.

In Twitter’s latest attempt to retain their status in the social media world, they have added new features to potentially boost engagement and virality in posts/ads.

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